Bridge Maryland, Inc., a 501(c)(3) Organization
PO Box: 3608 Offutt Road, Unit 162, Randallstown, MD 21133
Bridge Maryland Building Community
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The process of learning for women is distinct from that of men.
Women bring important qualities and attitudes to the public arena that must be appreciated and reflected in the organization’s work; and,
Women desire and need a place where they can support each other and create responses to their own needs.
Our goal is to lead women from:
Apathy to action.
Follower to leader.
Private to public.
Observer to actor.
Passive faith to faith-in-action; and,
Powerlessness to power.
Training 7 new Voter Registration Volunteers Developing voter fact information in both flier and PowerPoint formats. These were made available to the Religious Leaders Caucus and members of BMI to be used during church announcements or posted to keep people aware of the upcoming election, and steps for ensuring their vote is cast and counted. Mailing 500 postcards to encourage persons who are registered to vote but did not vote in the primary election, to make sure to cast their vote in the upcoming election. Partnering with the Education Workgroup for a voter registration and press conference event at Coppin State University. Leading a Voter phone banking event on October 22: 9 callers participated; 3,714 calls made; 96 conversations completed; 20 total calling hours.
Leader: Rev. Valerie A. Barnes If you are interested in learning more about Ntosake, contact our Organizer, Rev. Gayle Briscoe at
PO Box: 3608 Offutt Road, Unit 162
Randallstown, MD 21133
Phone: 443-240-3511